A/N: Short...but new. Yup, been a whole semester since I last updated. But here is a bit more of the story.

I hope you are all still enjoying. (Sorry 'bout all the cliffhangers - I'm a bit addicted to them, you see...)


The Nightmare - Part 21

by Bex


Theodred, King Theoden's son was indeed disconcertingly alive. So were the men there under his command. Within a few moments of our arrival and greeting, several more appeared behind us, and yet more wandered in.

Apparently eager to hear what we had to convey to them. And hemming us in, I noticed as I glanced around furtively.

There was no open threat yet, just this...air of alertness. Readiness.

I gulped inwardly as I realized that the king's son had transferred his attention to me. Uncertain of what to do, I settled for a slight, respectful dip of the head. I certainly wasn't of his status, but neither was I a subject of any of these kingdoms. So I settled for moderate deference.

When in doubt, be polite - but keep your mouth shut.

It seemed to work - Theodred glanced back at Radagast, who was continuing. "We bring tidings of war. As we speak, an army sent by Saruman the White of Isengard is crossing Rohan. Heading, by our best guess, straight for Edoras."

There was a brief silence. I felt a muscle twitch in my cheek as my memory replayed flashes of the past few days's events. My fault. Sorry. My fault. Sorry.

For being involved in hastening it all, I meant.

One of Theodred's men, who'd drifted gradually up from the back of the hall suddenly caught Theodred's eyes, and stepped forward, when beckoned, to confer with him in a murmur. Theodred's eyes flickered over at us as he listened. Finished, the man slipped away back among his fellows.

"I see," he said then. "A wizard known himself to have dealings with Saruman, his companion utterly unknown to us...comes to us speaking of war upon our doorstep. And he would have us do...what?" His tone was more conversational than grim, even though he stared hard at us both, as if by sheer dint of will he might uncover our true meaning. The Rohhirrim around us shifted, a murmur running through their ranks.

I barely resisted the urge to put my face in my hands. It had been a very long couple of days. And we really, really did not have the time for this.

And so, I broke my own 'keep the trap shut' rule. And it'd been working so well for me, too.

"My...Lord," I said, bringing his attention back upon me, then paused, swallowing hard, wondering if I had the words eloquent enough to convince them.

Well...the 'truth' would just have to do, then. Wouldn't it?

"My...companion...sought to learn Saruman's secrets. At the request of the White Council." At that name, Theodred's face shifted slightly, though he made no comment. "I...have also been helping them...as a Seer. Of sorts." I pulled the cloak Radagast had given me a little more tightly around myself. "We don't ask you to simply believe us...but at least send someone to check. Confirm what we have reported."

When Theodred answered nothing immediately, I added: "Every hour brings them closer to your home. Thousands. As many as...ten?" I recalled, glancing aside at Radagast, who'd watched my sally with equanimity (which I hoped meant he reckoned I was on the right track). He nodded. "Ten thousands," I repeated.

Someone nearby snorted, perhaps involuntarily. "Impossible."

"Peace," Theodred said then, quietly but quickly, and whoever it was immediately shut up. The Mark's heir regarded us. "You say that Saruman the White, ever our ally-" here the sarcasm was evident in his voice -"in fact now launches, with no challenge, no parley, an attack of an unheard-of size. And that our doom is now upon us-" Another man nearby opened his mouth as if to comment, but Theodred's suddenly upraised hand cut him off. "-impossible to credit, and yet....why do I credit it?"

"Because you know the truth, the reality beyond Grima Wormtongue's comforting lies." Radagast's words were quiet now that he spoke for himself, no longer a carrier of Saruman's tidings, nor an over-acting spy in his demesne.

At this, a murmur and a shifting ran through the ranks of Rohhirrim again, but this time Theodred did not protest the surprised reaction.

"So...he does. Lie." Theodred's gaze shifted between Radagast and me. "And you either tell sooth as you have said...or seek to mislead me in some other direction." Coming to a decision, he straightened more fully. "We will see this army of yours. Come! The moon is full tonight - we ride!"

The effect was instant, as if a hunter's huzzah, and the assembled riders began to move, dispersing quickly out the longhouse's exit. But even as they began to stream out, a faint horn call froze the tableau. A long blast, then two short.

I gawped, but Radagasts' face took on an even grimmer cast as the host leapt into action again, an extra edge of urgency in their movements. Theodred pointed. "Aelfwhed and Morthren- watch them." The Mark's heir then spared us a last glance before striding quickly after his men, those clustered around the table following him protectively. "If you betray us this night, bring this attack upon us - no wizard's tricks will avail you." He gave an extra-meaningful look at the two grim-faced riders left to guard us as they blocked our own exit, weapons drawn.

Then he was gone, with Radagast staring after him, and me blinking at the sudden turn-around.

Attack? Saruman's army? Had they followed us here somehow?

"No - raiders," Radagast murmured for me alone to hear.

Raiders. Raiders?! I almost groaned at the exquisitely bad timing of it all. We didn't have time to be attacked by raiders - we had a gigantic army of psychopaths to warn the countryside about!

The raiders, however, had all the time in the world to be attacking us. Which we noted as the thudding of hoofbeats outside intermingled with shouts and cries and screams, the clang of metal on metal...and as a short cry of pain was heard just outside the longhouse's entrance, and several large shaggy shapes suddenly loomed in the doorway.

Whoever they were... they'd just found us.

~End Part 21~